Xxx(Origin of x)
Why the letter x is important?
It’s now used to sex and gender beyond the binary But i think that,the letter has been always powerful.
origin of x?
Since it’s inception, the letter x has struggled
to establish it’s own identity,so it may be no
coincidence that x is commonly used to represent that unknown in both language and mathematics.But how was it creaked?X is derived from the phoenician letter samekh meaning fish originally used by the phoenician to represent the /s/ consonant(denoting a hard s sound)the greek borrowed the samekh around 900 BBC and named it chi.
The romans letter adopet the x sound from the chalcidian alphabet,a non lonic greek alphabet and borrowed the chi symbol,consisting of tow diagonally crossed strokes from the greek alphabet to denote the letter x as well as to identify the roman numeral x or `10`.
As far i know, the romans took the /x/sound
from all alphabet(chalcidian) and combined it with the chi symbol from another alphabet(greek)and thus x was born.